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Round Robin… Eggs?

Outside of my dining room window, a robin made her nest and laid four eggs. While doing some cleanup in the yard yesterday, we found that two had hatched. I ran to grab my camera before mommy returned thinking we were trying to steal her hatchlings and pecked out my eyes 😁. I don’t aspire to be in Hitchcock‘s movie, The Birds.

A couple of Robin's Eggs and Hatchlings in one of the evergreens in front of my house
A couple of Robin’s Eggs and Hatchlings in one of the evergreens in front of my house

Holy Robin’s Eggs Batman!

There Can Only Be One or in this case FOUR robin's eggs

I grabbed this shot with a Sony A7Riv and Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 lens on burst mode. I couldn’t look through the view finder, nor get the LCD screen at an angle I could see, so it was a “Spray and Pray” situation. Out of 15 images only a couple came out in focus and clear, but I only needed one. I loaded the images up in On1 Photo and gave some basic tweaks in develop. I also added a touch of Dynamic Contrast, muted the greens a touch & highlighted the signature blue shells of the robin’s eggs. One thing I have noticed shooting with the Sony is that greens are sometimes very over saturated. I’ve made a preset for On1 that I use when shooting anything with trees, grasses, etc. to tone them down a couple notches.

With all the insanity in the world today, it was beautiful to capture something innocent and life affirming like this. Even if I had a pissed off mommy Robin circling around squawking and threatening to dive-bomb me and peck out my eyes. If only she knew that I am only here because a bird shit on my on 9/11 and made me late for an appointment at the World Trade Center. Then she would know I would never do anything to upset or hurt her hatchlings. ❤️🦅

Image’s EXIF Data:

[exif id=”5918″]

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