WordPress Updates and New Look!

Website Redesign Wordpress Themes Header

I spent a few days of this COVID-19 crisis sitting in front of the computer and rebuilding a lot of this blog’s WordPress front end. The prior theme was nice looking but I was starting to find issues with its speed. Ultimately, it was just easier to gut and redo it than fix. I also […]

WeeWX Weather Station Post Install Configurations

WeeWX Logo

Previously I posted about migrating my Davis Vantage Pro2 Weather Station running WeatherCat software on a MacMini to WeeWX software on a Raspberry Pi. This continues the configuration and customization of the solution

Albrightsville Pennsylvania Weather Station

weather station image

Albrightsville Pennsylvania Weather Station UPDATE: Due to reasons beyond my control, the weather station is down until further notice … One of my hobbies/interests outside of photography is meteorology and weather tracking. Living in Albrightsville Pennsylvania up in the Poconos we have many microclimates. It is so bad the weather reports on the news are hardly ever close to accurate […]